Dancing With Passionate Self Care III – Rituals

Rituals are keys to Passionate Self Care. Let me give you an example, I feel wonderful when I take the time to perform the ritual of developing my action plan. I call it a ritual because it has a set pattern of components: (1) reviewing my in box, my list of action items and my emails; (2) deciding which I need or want to tackle today; (3) writing my plan; and (4) deciding which to do first.

After years of trying to find the right “formula” for this ritual, I stumbled on a relatively inexpensive online test for the Kolbe  “A” Index (www.Kolbe.com).  The Kolbe analyzes your natural work style. After reviewing my results, I came to understand that if I develop my plan at the beginning of the work day, I get bogged down in details and it kills my enthusiasm.  Instead, I develop my plan the night before so I can dive into action the moment I start work. It’s amazing what a difference one adjustment to a ritual can make.

How many grouchy or distracted people have you heard say, “I’ll be okay after my first cup of coffee”? Admittedly, the caffeine helps but the ritual of coffee is every bit as much of an energy boost. It’s usually the skipping of the ritual that has thrown them off, not the lack of caffeine.

There are rituals we depend on and rituals we’d like to develop. To exercise Passionate Self Care in your life look for rituals you want to start incorporating until they become routine. Some of the best places to look for opportunities for ritual development are in the areas around which you feel guilty. A few of mine are:

  •  Exercise
  • Dental Care
  • Keeping up with finances (bill paying, etc.)
  • Car Care
  • Filing

Can you see the opportunities for rituals?

There are also rituals we love. We don’t feel guilty if we don’t do them but we feel SO MUCH BETTER when we do:

  • Planning ahead for the weekend
  • Meditating
  • Weekly manicures (one of my favorites)
  • Leaving work at quitting time
  • Taking time for a hobby we love

Rituals give life a certain continuity, which most of us crave. They make us feel more grounded. That’s why you see professional athletes who perform the same ritual every time they begin the game. Maybe it’s superstition, or maybe they know it works.

In a world where change is constant, rituals are a way for us to feel as if we are in control.

Rituals are very comforting and the more comfortable we are, the more we attract things that are a match to that feeling. I’ve noticed, for example, that when I take the time to perform the ritual of putting together my action plan, my work goes very smoothly. It can be no other way because I’m feeling good and in control. Events and circumstances that match those feelings are the only ones I will attract. That is how the Law of Attraction works: you get more of what you focus on.

So what rituals would you like to put into place in your life? What will make you more comfortable each day and give you more of a feeling of being in control? Start today, as soon as you finish reading this.

One of the biggest steps toward Passionate Self Care:  Develop rituals that make you feel good, and practice them every day.

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