This is Your Big, Bold Headline To Grab Attention.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non euismod elit, et tempor augue.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Mauris venenatis ac nulla nec pharetra. Nam interdum lectus diam, ac pulvinar velit vehicula ut. Duis a vulputate tellus. Sed mattis justo diam, non vehicula orci auctor rutrum.

Lorem Ipsum

Praesent tortor nibh, faucibus at purus nec, tincidunt condimentum ligula. Sed lobortis laoreet lorem, nec fermentum enim suscipit non.

Dolor Sit Amet

Mauris venenatis ac nulla nec pharetra. Nam interdum lectus diam, ac pulvinar velit vehicula ut. Duis a vulputate tellus. Sed mattis justo diam.

Consectetur Adipiscing

Phasellus est lacus, congue sodales urna tristique, vehicula vulputate ligula. Phasellus leo dui, adipiscing eu mollis sed, rhoncus vel sapien.

From the Blog

Simple Tools to Show Employee Appreciation

I just read an article written by J.T. O'Donnell, Founder and CEO of,in which she suggested asking each of your team members one question at the end of the work week before they head home:  What one thing are you most proud of getting done this week?” It doesn’t matter what you do for your team or for yourself. If you’re determined to be unhappy, then circumstances don’t matter. I can just hear the hue and cry. “You just don’t get it.  I WANT to be ha [...]

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Strengthening Relationships

What if the most common workplace relationship issues could be cleared up by taking the following proactive step: treat others the way THEY want to be treated? In my program How to Get Along with Difficult People I often hear participants express astonishment at how others behave or communicate. And what alway [...]

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Definitions Matter

One of the easier communication problems to solve revolves around our tendency to think that others understand what we mean when we use a term. Let’s take “customer service,” as an example. If you have been tasked with improving customer service, what exactly does that mean? How is customer service being [...]

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Praesent at Leo Pellentesque

Cras interdum et justo sed posuere. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque pharetra, purus quis viverra aliquet, sem libero congue lectus, nec consequat justo mi tempus felis. Curabitur ut tempor augue. Phasellus venenatis venenatis pellentesque. Aliquam erat volutpat.